hint: Navigate to other NMC Self-Service menus with icon in upper left.
You must be logged in to Search and Register.
Search and register for your classes. You can also view your schedule and make changes to your classes.
You must be logged in to Search and Plan.
Give yourself a head start by building a plan in MAP (My Academic Plan). You'll be able to access your Plans when your Register for Classes.
Stay on track for graduation by reviewing your degree requirements.
Looking for classes? In this section you can browse classes you find interesting and find class schedule, instructor and status information. Select a term to start.
You must be logged in to view Registration History information.
View your past schedules and your ungraded classes.
Look up basic course information like subjects, courses and descriptions here. Select a term to start.
You must be logged in to perform Pre-registration Activities.
View registration status for the semester selected, check for possible holds, verify course overrides, and complete pre-registration requirements.